Eilidh McArthur's profile

Google Doodle Animation

Google Doodle Animation
As part of my final year at university, I really wanted to include an animation, as it is something I enjoy creating and find very rewarding. 

For this project I explored a view ideas, but decided on Robert Burns, for Burns Night in Scotland. It has been done by Google before, but many years ago, and I thought it would be nice to base it on a different poem. Previously they used 'A Red, Red Rose', so I chose 'To A Mouse'. I chose this poem as he talks of how man has cut through nature, which is very relevant today.
Below you can see the animation.
Due to Coronavirus and limited access to technology, it isn't as high quality as I would have liked, however my laptop struggled with the animation software, and exporting them.
Google Doodle Animation


Google Doodle Animation
